As i'm sitting in class listening to a lecture on port cities and coastal cities from my World Urban Patterns professor, when he showed us a picture of something that immediately caught my attention:
STILT HOMES. After listening further to the lecture I learned that the concept of a home on stilts was for added protection to those who desire residency on the shore. Therefore when the high tide comes in, the home is protected. Some would say why not just move away from the water, but others might say lets stay and just adapt to the enviornment. As always ideas and ways to make money are developed in any way possible hence we have this:
Private resort in Abu, Dhabi which include private beach and rooftop garden with spa pool, outdoor dining areas, show kitchens, and outdoor showers. They won't be available until 2010 and are estimated at €20 million. So we see a concept that was initially developed for those who want to protect their homes from water to what now has seemed to become a way to showcase wealth by building your home in the water. The world we live in...