Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011
Abstract Thinkers: Ghostbuster

1) Why was this Philadelphia Ghostbusters Chapter Started? How long
has it been in est?
The Philadelphia Ghostbusters began in 2009, when Nate Paro learned of
others in the area who had also made Ghostbusters uniforms and gear.
2) What is the mission of your local chapter?
Originally we got together to share a common interest. Wanting to wear
the uniforms more than just at Halloween and the yearly Wizard World
Convention, we tried our hand at charity walks. We became so inspired
by participating in worthy causes that helping out the community
became a large part of who we are.
3) How many members are in the Chapter, and is it possible for anyone to join?
As of this moment we have over 20 members who participate to varying
degrees. It IS possible for anyone to join as long as they meet the
minimum uniform requirements. We've had people sign up with full
uniforms and gear as well as with nothing but an interest. We point
them in the right direction and some of those members have become our
most devoted. All we require to join is the flightsuit, patches, and
4) How would you consider yourselves to be "Abstract Thinkers"?
Well I think many people who invest the time and money to create the
uniforms and gear end up with VERY expensive Halloween Costumes. We
used our love of the Ghostbusters franchise, and more importantly the
general public love of the franchise to do some good.
Every so often someone will ask us, "So I don't get it. You look
great, but what does Ghostbusters have to do with (Autism, MS, etc)?
We usually reply, "Well, it got you to stop us, talk to us, take a
picture or two with us, and maybe donate a dollar or two to a worthy
If we went to South Street in our street clothes, who'd notice us?
5)How can our readers help you cause?
The more people who discover what we're all about, the more
credibility we gain. The more credibility, the more people are willing
to donate to whatever charity we're currently helping. The most
generous way would be to click on one of our links on either the
Facebook site or on our website www.philadelphiaghostbusters.
donate to a worthy cause such as Autism Speaks.
I suppose the most hardcore way would be to get involved. Contact
us...join up! It's fun, the public response is overwhelmingly
positive, and besides feeling great by donating your time, you never
know when you'll end up working with the Phillies, meeting the mayor,
walking in a parade, or posing with Dan Aykroyd!
"Always Think Abstract"
Chris Grizzly
Sunday, August 28, 2011
ABSTRACT Day at the Beach!!!
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Abstract

Sunday, August 21, 2011
A Tribute to HipHop
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Watch the Throne was hot!!!! But #OnTheThrone

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
2011 BONNIE & CLYDE pt1
2011 BONNIE & CLYDE pt2

Friday, August 12, 2011
Benedict Arnold !!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011
Abstract Thinkers: Chase Allen

1. So who exactly is Chase Allen?
-I am a hip hop artist from West Philadelphia, dedicated and devoted to music and willing to risk everything in pursuit of my dreams!
2. As the self proclaimed “leader of the new school”….. Why do you feel as though you are obligated to put out a certain level of “music” for those who follow you?
-I feel like a lot of hip hop is not original, I strive to make music that's true to me and true to my surroundings. I don't like following what's trending and what everyone else is going for. I just make what feels good, things that I can relate to. I'm not into making cheesy misleading music.
3. What influence has losing you father and grandparents played on who you are as a artist?
-Me losing my father and not being able to have grandparents were unfortunate for me, it's kind of bitter sweet because the pain within me from not having a father allows me to really express myself thru my lyrics and me not knowing my grandparents allows me to imagine what it would be like to have things I've never had. I really can't explain it but I make music that grandparents can listen to, it kinda feels like they're all watching me and that's what makes most of my lyrics so respectful probably ha.
4. What type of music do you listen to?
-I listen to a lot of oldies, I listen to the isley brothers, jeffrey osborne, all types of music. I also listen to kanye and jay and nas; but not too much cuz I don't want them to influence my music and then I lose my originality lol
5. What’s an interesting fact about you?
-Sometimes when I'm home watching tv I grab the remote control during commercials and use it as a microphone and secretly go over show sets.
6. As one of your Sponsors…… Whats does Abstract Thought Tshirt Co. represent to you?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
215magazine Interview #2 Behind the Scenes THE ABSTRACT VAN RIDE!!!
The ABSTRACT VAN 1 from abstract thought on Vimeo.
ABSTRACT VAN 2 from abstract thought on Vimeo.
After the interview we all hopped into the ABSTRACT VAN to go grab a bite to eat!!! Check out the footage!!!
Bill Nearn Jr.