Anyone who Knows me can confirm that I am a TRUE HipHop Head- I mean you can just name almost any track off of any album and I can begin reciting the Lyrics!!! And now that I have given my Validation for the at hand task Lets Begin:
I think that I can sum up "Watch the Throne" with three Phrases- 1.) Futuristic yet Retro 2.) HipHop 3.) DOPE.
When I heard that Jay & Ye' where working together I expected nothing less than an awesome Musical array- I mean they are among the best in the league!!! Lol
The first question that I'm certain everyone will be listening to find the answer to is "Who will outshine who". In all honesty I would have to say that both Jay & Ye' went in equally but if I had to choose who went harder it would be Jay- HANDS DOWN!!! There are just to many Jay verses on the album that I had to rewind for a second Listen while thinking to myself "HE DIDNT JUST SAY THAT!!!" I mean just listen to the end of "Who gon stop me" The guy went Ballistic!!! Lol
The musical direction of the album is interesting. The track called "Thats my Bitch" has a Public Enemy & Roots sample (I didn't read that- could just hear it Lol). Its as though they stayed consistent with todays sound, pushed the envelope for a new sound & still brought in an older- mid 80's feel... I mean "Made in America" & "Why I Love You" Definitely have a Phill Collins feel and Vibe-DOPE. One thing I also noticed was that weird instrumental outro that they attached to a few tracks... that was just a little overboard Lol.
All in all I would say they did an awesome job on 'Watch the Throne". I can't give it the classic stamp as its too soon for that and a few of the tracks are duds but it is an overall DOPE Album.
Thanks for reading and remember...
Bill Nearn Jr.
I wouldn't give it dope in all caps! Definitely hot and still listening to it even now...and will be for a while.