Thinking back to one of the pioneers of the civil rights movement I wanted to acknowledge Malcolm X. Now some may be asking yourselves why am I taking this time out to acknowledge brotha Malcolm when its not black history month nor does he have a birthday coming up, yet it has everything to do with self reflection. Back in 07 “the genius” aka @BillyAbstract developed the shirt “By Any Means”. We took the familiar picture of brotha Malcolm holding the AK-47 peeping out the window and altered it to fit the Abstract Thought criteria. We debuted the shirts at the official launch of the brand in 2008, which also happened to be my (@DjAYEboogie) & @BillyAbstract bday event as well. Each shirt we develop has a strong central message behind it, therefore I wanted to take the time out to revist one of our strongest designs (Aside from that I just wanted to revisit one of the best nights of my life; 21st bday)

“Always Think Abstract”
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