Thursday, August 4, 2011

Abstract Thoughts of a 9 - 5'er...

Sitting reflecting on quotes such as, "As long as you are doing something you love, you'll never work a day in your life..." Brings me to Abstract Thoughts of a 9 - 5'er...

Now some may or may not agree with what is said here, but I would never call my 9 - 5 @ Penn Medicine as a Consultant my real job... Hmmm... Let's just consider it my alternative supplement or a means to get me closer to my dream! Sometimes I sit and think why did I go to college when what I love to do does not require a degree and I can make money doing it.... oh yeah, that's it... to meet people and become more social!

Now these are just my thoughts and you might not agree... But if you are not happy at your "real job," find your passion. A quote came to me yesterday morning while driving to "work." "What they won't give you, TAKE... What's not made, CREATE..."

The most successfully satisfied are those who find themselves doing what they love to do...


1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree that's why I'm taking initiative to start my own business because it's something I love. Thank you, motivated me more.
